Universal Children’s Day Photo Essay

Great post! Remember – kids have rights!

The Human Rights Warrior

Today, November 20,  is Universal Children’s Day!  In 1954, the United Nations General Assembly established Universal Children’s Day to encourage all countries to take action to actively promote the welfare of the world’s children.   On November 20, 1959 the United Nations adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child.

Thirty years later, on November 20, 1989, the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child.  The Convention on the Rights of the Child is the first legally binding international instrument to incorporate the full range of human rightscivil, cultural, economic, political and social rights.  The Convention on the Rights of the Child has been acceded to or ratified by 193 countries –  more countries than any other international treaty.

One of the objectives of Universal Children’s Day is to raise awareness about the Convention on the Rights of the Child.  The…

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On the Beauty of Women

Beautiful post, thanks!

The Better Man Project

Before I start this, I want to make something clear. This post is not coming from a man who has had an easy time his whole life with women. In fact, I have had my heart broken more times than I care to admit. I have shed tears, been betrayed in the worst of ways and have been made to feel unimportant, almost to the point where I thought I didn’t exist. And even through all of this, I can still put my heart on the line for women because I believe in one fundamental reality.

Women are beautiful.

Last night, one of my friends sent me an article written by someone and asked for my thoughts. So I opened it up and read the first line. “I’m just gonna come out and say it: I love insecure women.” I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and continued reading…

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Monthly Peace Challenge- Prayer

Sharing Thoughts

Dhammapada ( attributed to Buddha )

It would be better if, instead of a thousands words,

There was only one, a word that brought peace.

It would be better if, instead of thousands poems,

There was only one , a poem that revealed true beauty.

It would be better if, instead of thousands songs,

There was only one, a song that spread Happiness.


Click here for some Beautiful Blog Quotations.

Monthly Peace Challenge: Quote This Aug31 by Kozo Hattori

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The Relativity of Truth

Sufi Ways

by Ali Hammad

In The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether, Edgar Allan Poe relates the story of a lunatic asylum where the patients have taken over, but the visitors to the asylum are unable to discern the switch.  The narrator of the story is unable to recognize that the superintendents are the actual inmates, and vice versa.

The story, I think, is a call to examine the relativity of sanity and, too, of truth itself.  That truth may be relative isn’t a new idea.  Many have propounded it. Protagoras, an ancient Greek, may have been one of the first ones.  Some of his views are documented in an eponymous dialogue within Plato’s Dialogues.  But the views that I find the most engaging are those of the Sufis.

Here’s a Sufi tale.  Once a prophet told a man of an impending change in the nature of…

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TV Show: Meet my hubby

My sister, the interviewer! Wow! BOL from Tara!

The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap


Free Assistance via Self-Help Legal Clinic



Hosting the head of The Canine Adoption Rescue League, Mary Saputo (August 25, 2013)


Being interviewed by Ken McAlpine (writer for National Geographic) on Lesbians in history, writing and animal rescue: (May 11, 2013)


I have finished my two auditions and they liked my interviewing! I got the volunteer job. I’m scheduled to interview someone from the Ventura Cancer Society to talk on taking the fear out of hearing, “You’ve got cancer.” That will happen in April next year. Meanwhile, I’m on call as a stand-in if another host can’t show.



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