Through the Peacock's Eyes

Springtime is the time of year when we come out of                                                               the darker days, hibernation, andSquash Blossoms by Julianne Victoria colder weather of the winter season. We soak in the warmth of the sun, our energy levels begin to rise, and we become more active with the longer days. All of Nature, including us humans, begins to wake up, grow, and become more energetic. Along with this we often have an urge to do some spring cleaning – to clear away the old and stagnant and to create the space for rebirth and growth.

Besides the usual dusting and polishing, we can also spring clean ourselves from the inside out through diet. Eating a well-balanced diet can be challenging, but there are some…

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All Truth Is God's Truth

The key to a successful marriage is putting your spouse’s needs ahead of your own. Here are 25 practical suggestions gleaned from 25 years of happy marriage.
  1. Listen
    To be truly heard is the longing of every human heart, and your wife is no exception. It sounds simple, but listening can be harder than it seems with so many distractions around us and within us. Set aside some time every day to look into your wife’s eyes and really listen to what she has to say. You may be surprised at what you hear. (James 1:19, Matthew 11:15)
  2. Communicate
    Don’t make her guess what you are thinking or feeling.
  3. Sing Her Praises
    Shamelessly brag about her good qualities and quietly pray about her bad ones. Her reputation is your reputation. (Proverbs 31:28-29)
  4. Pray For Her and With Her
    Praying on your wife’s behalf not only…

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I must admit that the very first time I witnessed a Hindu marriage ceremony I was awestruck and amazed. Theirs is so much more then a vow between husband and wife but a binding promise to be with each other for the rest of their lives.

They take marriage so much more seriously; theirs is solemn vows of loyalty, steadfast love and a life long fidelity.  I found out that the majority of Hindu weddings are very expensive and the pre-marital ceremonies can last from a few days to a few weeks.

After various Hindu premarital ceremonies are completed then comes the actual marriage ceremony.

Theirs is the circumambulating of the holy fire/sacred fire, but first the Priest ties the marriage knot (a symbol of permanence) by tying one end of the grooms scarf with the brides dress. The groom takes the right hand of the bride with his left…

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Teacher as Transformer

I tell people when I facilitate workshops we do not teach human qualities, we model them. Good sportsmanship, integrity, and kindness, to name a few of those qualities, are prime examples. We seem to live in a world of “do as I say, not as I do”. Children are observant and intelligent and see through this so easily. They know when things do not add up and are inconsistent. In a world that changes so rapidly, adults need to be vigilant, authentic, and careful about the modeling they do.

Stephen Sondheim wrote this song for the musical, Into the Woods. I enjoy songs with deep meaning in the lyrics and this one is a prime example

How do you say to your child in the night?
Nothing’s all black, but then nothing’s all white
How do you say it will all be all right
When you know that it…

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Share With Us @ Clouds N Cups

Since Valentine is around the corner, I would like to take this opportunity to share the content of a letter extracted from a fan fiction which I wrote in the past, inspired by the very famous short love story of the same title —‘Salty Coffee’

Yuuki left her beloved husband — Soujirou — a letter under his pillow, fearing she might not be able to survive the delivery of their baby due to her heart condition.

If you are a fan of Hana Yori Dango, you may know who Soujirou and Yuuki are, if you are not, don’t fret…just read the original Salty Coffee and you should be able to catch what this letter is all about, except that in my fan fiction, it is the wife who passed away, not the husband.

Soujirou finally found himself knowing how to love again…

He constantly reminded himself with…

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advocatemmmohan aksharaalu


Anti-Sexual Harassment Graffiti reading: No To...

 Sources of Life

but Man forgetting his birth


Nest of family

but tying her as his back yard cow


Part of the Man

but providing a room in between the four walls


Axis of the Earth

With out Woman

No World exists

When the whole Nature itself nurture on the female

Why the discrimination agianst Women – a so called civilized Man

Stop foeticide, stop  female child labour, stop sexual harassment  and stop domestic violence etc., against Women

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